Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Carnival: Rua de L'Extermini

I called this one the insecticide parade yesterday while we were getting ready for it. I honestly have no idea why it's the extermination parade, but it is. Last night was the last of the two BIG parades. Though I think there's another one involved with the events tonight. I didn't get very many pictures because I didn't have enough room in my purse for my camera. 

Yes, I said purse. 

I dressed again last night. I didn't have time to make another dress, so I borrowed one from my friends at Monroes. They even let me borrow a marvelous wig, a mantilla (veil), a fan, and they even threw in the eyelashes. 

I'm sorry to say I can't do a damn thing with false eyelashes. And my partner is absolutely worthless at sticking them on. Last time he tried it was like pin the tail on the donkey. He literally stuck them halfway up my eyelid with one end dipping down onto my eye. I did better on my own. So, needless to say, I decided to eschew looking like Audrey II and go with my regular old actually-stuck-to-my-eyes eyelashes. 

Oh so I was going to write about the parade, wasn't I? I can do it in one sentence. It was almost exactly identical to the Disbauxa parade, so just look at those pictures again and pretend like it's this one. 

There was one significant difference. The cops wouldn't let you cross between the floats this time. As the parade basically makes a big rectangle around the intoxicated center of town and we live inside said rectangle, we were basically limited to a handful of bars. But that was fine. I like B Sides and Bourbons. I did get a lovely chance to do an impromptu  ABBA number with two other drag queens while the partner drunkenly tried to stomp balloons. Lovely, just lovely. 

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