Tuesday, March 3, 2009

All You Need is Love?

An interesting tidbit from Reuters:

It seems a 14-year-old girl and a 17-year-old boy recently have been awarded a divorce from the rabbinical courts in Israel. The pair wed as a  joke:
It all began as a lark, in a schoolyard where a 17-year-old boy recently declared the girl his wife, reciting a Jewish ritual vow in front of witnesses, and she accepted his ring.
Is that all it takes, really? The story also implies the wedding was consummated. According to Israeli law, sex with a 14-year-old is legal as long as her partner is not more than three years her senior. 

Isn't that sweet? The divorce, I mean. I was way, way, way too young to get married when I did at 21. I can't imagine trying to hold down a serious adult relationship as a teen. Hell, I can barely manage an adult relationship now at 33. I'm not saying there aren't mature teenagers out there. I'm just saying a lot of grief could be avoided if people allowed themselves to be young for a while. Don't rush into getting hitched-up for life. 


  1. Really? It's that easy? And here I had someone dealing with license and fees. I'm moving to Israel for my wedding.

  2. Wow, so easy??
    Just searching on google bout need love and i found your blog.. I've been thinking maybe we can exchange link? Because your blog is one of my interest, looking forward for your next post..Come visit my blog sometimes to share information.


  3. @Ad Astra: I've been working on the paperwork for my upcoming marriage for more than a year. And that was just to get the documents so we could set the date. Who knew it was so easy?

    @Macmi: Welcome. I look forward to checking out your blog.
