Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday's Minute of Hate

How about a bit of good ol' Christian hate from nearby? Like maybe right here (where I am today) in Kentucky. Yes ladies and gentlemen and the rest of you, the always logical and always sensible Kentucky legislature is working up a bill - led by hate-monger, I mean republican, state senator Gary Tapp - to prohibit gay people from adopting children. (This from the same people who decided it would be best to just declare pi officially 22/7 in Kentucky and have done with it.)

According to an AP article Friday, Senate Bill 68 gained approval from the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. The bill, aimed at preventing gays from adopting or fostering children in Kentucky would also prohibit single parents-to-be from adopting and bucket-loads of kids needing homes from finding them. 

The article says:

The bill has become a lightning rod. About 100 opponents of the proposal rallied at the Capitol last month. Opponents say the legislation unjustly rules out potentially good parents just because they're not married in the traditional sense.

The committee action was praised by David Edmunds, a policy analyst for the Lexington-based Family Foundation. Edmunds says children in homes headed by unmarried couples fare worse in school and are more prone to face other problems.

Yes, it's SO much better for kids to grow up without any loving parents rather than two parents of the same gender or, god forbid, only one parent. When will these zealots realize that the nuclear family is dead and healthy well-adjusted kids come out of all kinds of families? Better yet, when are they going to bother reading the valid scientific research that will help them make sound decisions that are best for children rather than focusing on the Old Testament, which pretty much went out of date when Jesus came around. 

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