Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Good News

Today the Vermont Legislature gathered up enough proverbial balls (and votes) to override the veto of Governor Jim Douglas on their bill to allow gay couples the right to marry. That means Vermont has become the first U.S. state to approve marriage rights for gays and lesbians through its legislature. The others have all arrived at marriage freedom through court rulings. 

According to a New York Times article the override passed by one vote, that of Democratic Representative Jeff Young. Young had voted against the bill last week, but apparently changed his position at the last moment. From the Times:
After the final tally, cheers erupted in both legislative chambers of the State House and in the hallways outside, and several lawmakers on both sides of the debate looked stunned.
I should really stop being such a pessimist about these things. It seems to be getting better, doesn't it? I mean we already had Massachusetts and Connecticut and last week Iowa of all places. California's bowing to the tyranny of the majority last year was such a blow. But New Hampshire seems to be moving in the right direction. Its House of Representatives has already approved a measure allowing gay marriage The bill has to make it through the Senate now. 

And speaking of wonderful progress, D.C. Council voted to recognize those same-sex marriages performed in other states. D.C. itself allows civil unions. And now gay and lesbian couples who move to D.C.  will have their marriages recognized. 

From the Washington Post:
Council member Jim Graham (D-Ward 1), who is gay, called the amendment a matter of "basic fairness."
Council member Harry Thomas Jr. (D-Ward 5) called the amendment "long overdue."
"We as a council need to stand in the right place and take the gray area out," he said.
The Council's decision was unanimous, but the process isn't over yet. The law still has to be approved by congress and the council itself has to take a final vote next month. But isn't it nice to see progress being made?

1 comment:

  1. Ah! What good news indeed. Yes, I did feel that Iowa was rather random, but I suppose San Fransisco seemed that way at first too.

    As for the pessimism, I certainly think you're entitled to it. But sure, make a smile when things DO go right :)
