Monday, April 13, 2009

Same-sex Kiss Day

Via Gossip Boy:

Same-sex kiss day is Wednesday. What is same-sex kiss day? you ask. Well it's an organized effort to get all up in the hetero's faces with your homosexual tendencies. It happens on April 15, tax day. The idea is to go to Starbucks (I'm not sure why Starbucks) at certain times of the day and kiss someone of your own gender in order to show everybody that lesbians and gays deserve the right to be taxed equally. From

Show up at a 
Starbucks on Tax Day at 7:15 AM, 12:15 PM5:15 PM, or 8:15 PM , buy a cuppa joe, then share a kiss with your sweetie, or a friend, or even a long-time crush! RAWR!

LGBT couples have yet to be granted the same rights to file our taxes jointly on a Federal level, and we can still be fired for being openly gay in the workplace. That's why you're encouraged to be seen on
Tax Day, April 15, 2009, spreading your love with a KISS!

Don't have someone to kiss? Go to our Facebook page, click on "Confirmed attendees" and find someone cute in your town.

Sounds like a good idea. I wonder if it'll take off. Oh by the way, the buttons as well as other stuff are available at Cafe press.

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