Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sweden to Allow Same-Sex Marriage

Via Joe. My. God.:

Another country is now officially freer than the United States of America. According to a article the Swedish parliament voted by large majority to approve a measure that will allow same-sex marriage. The new legislation goes into effect May 1, replacing one that allowed gays and lesbians to have civil unions.

From Top News:

Only the Christian Democrats, one of the four parties in the ruling centre-right coalition, opposed the move.

Yvonne Andersson said her party wanted to maintain "a several hundred-year-old concept" about marriage.

Supporters of the gender-neutral legislation included Evon Frid of the Left Party who said it was "not a negative change, but a positive change."

The proposal was approved by a 261 to 22 vote, with 16 abstentions.

Yes, all you nuts who are still trying to socialize my children to believe the US is the best country in the world, IT'S NOT. Effing Sweden is better than the US. Not only do they make some kick-ass meatballs and some of the most intelligently-made, easy-to-assemble, perfect-for-any-space-except-a-tacky-one furniture, but they also don't let their stupid prejudices get in the way of doing what's right. Add the Swedes to the growing list of decent upstanding citizens of the world. A list that includes Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, and Spain. 

Gee, South Africa just got rid of Apartheid a couple of decades ago. What's up with you Americans dragging your feet? Do you not see the world laughing at you for your ridiculous outdated social policies especially those your imaginary friend told you to make?

P.S. What's up with the wing nuts not agreeing on how long the whole one-man-one-woman marriage thing has been going on? Several-hundred years? Two-thousand? Three? In case you can't even bother to look it up, polygamy was officially outlawed in the US in 1878. That means your ancient definition of marriage is pretty new. Hmm, 131 years is little more than a bad habit. Thirty days in rehab ought to clear that up. 

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