Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Minute of Hate

Via Slog:

You can't make this shit up.

According to an August 9 story from Bernama, a Malaysian government news agency, "Avoiding masturbation and homosexual activities are among preventative measures one could take against Influenza A (H1N1) [swine flu]." Yes, that's what they said. Masturbation and homosexuality make you more susceptible to swine flu. The article, which can be read here, goes on:
Dr. V. M. Palaniappan said that such activities caused the body to develop friction heat which in turn, produced acid and made the body hyperacidised.

"Thus, the body becomes an easy target for H1N1 infection," he told Bernama, emphasising however, that normal sexual union between members of the opposite sex was absolutely safe.

The former associate professor of ecology at Universiti Malaya has authored several books on complementary therapy called, 'Ecological Healing System'.

Dr Palaniappan said his 33 years of research had shown that high acidity in the body resulted in loss of immunity, thus making people more susceptible to viral diseases like Influenza A (H1N1).

Hence, to prevent acidity, it was essential to consume alkaline food and drinks that could neutralise excess acid in the body.

Dr Palaniappan recommends coconut water, which is alkaline, and therefore could be used as a herbal medicine for the prevention of H1N1.

Does that mean it's alright to have homosexual sex if you use coconut water as lube?

So anyway ladies and gentlemen and the rest of you, if you're going to have sex in Malaysia, do so with a person with different parts than yourself and share some coconut water afterwards. For goodness sake, stay away from friction-causing activities like buffing your callouses, running marathons, and buggery. And it's also best to avoid sound medical advice based on scientific research in favor of propagandistic quackery.

Of course homosexuality is illegal in predominantly Muslim Malaysia. And prosecution for sodomy is common there. So maybe it's best not to visit Malaysia at all.


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